
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good News

I ordered the two threads that I had run out of on Monday and then last night got an e-mail asking me to verify my e-mail before it was sent on to the company. So I did and then worried that it was now the end of Tuesday and the earliest I would get the threads would be Thursday making it all very close to my revised deadline.

However, great news, the threads arrived this morning! I never expected them any earlier due to the bank holiday so that is wonderful. I'm realy pleased with the response of the company. Only draw back is that they sent a copy of their catalogue out with it - Ooooh the temptation. lol.

Anyway, for a change I did some stitching on the Juggy Bug April square last night. Almost finished it but not quite. I will post a pic when it's all done.

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